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Three seconds. That’s how long it takes for a potential customer to decide if you’re worth their time. If they’re not engaged within those three seconds, they’re off to your competitor. A well-crafted website, captivating marketing strategies, an engaging social media presence, and exciting PR isn’t simply icing on the cake. . .it is the cake. Now more than ever, people are buying into a brand. It’s not just about the service you provide, it’s the way your brand makes them feel. Consumers want to feel connected. And that’s where we come in. We don’t think of ourselves as an agency, but as integral members of your team. We are the virtual marketing and PR department for your brand, and your mission is our mission. Because for us, it’s not just business. Everything we do is personal.

Once you start working with us, you’ll notice we are different from the other firms out there.

We don’t sign you to a long-term contract. We aim to earn your business every month and if we’re not doing an outstanding job, then we don’t deserve to work with you.

We operate as members of your staff. You get all the benefits of complete personal attention without the added expense of full-time salaries, costly benefits, and paid vacation time.

Most importantly, our commitment to you shows in the level of detail and quality of work we provide. We put a cap on the number of clients we take on because we want to ensure that we give our absolute best to every client we work with.

Word of mouth is how we built our business. That’s probably the reason you’re here. We work with small and medium-sized businesses all over the country to maximize their potential, and we look forward to chatting with you about your needs.


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Video Production: The Entertainment Value

The power of video storytelling helps brands create meaningful connections with current and new customers alike. Our experienced videographers produce original content suitable for every platform—from your website to television. We create memorable owned brand assets that are an integral part of a brand’s overall content strategy and will make people take notice.

Branding: Your Authentic Personality

Branding connects a company with a community. Today’s consumers don’t just buy a brand; they want to feel part of it. We help you discover your brand’s voice to tell your unique story through authentic content, compelling strategies and extraordinary design.

Design: Effective Art & Graphics

Leave your mark with captivating design. Our talented graphic artists can take on any design project—from memorable logos and stunning brochures to engaging websites and alluring ads—to help customers remember your name.

Public Relations: Telling Your Story

People love a good story. And that’s where we come in. We don’t just try to sell your service or product. We connect you with the right media channels to help tell your unique story. Great public relations can help build brand credibility, raise brand awareness, and increase loyalty with current customers. With our strong background in media, we are well connected to the industry and know the stories that producers and reporters want to tell. We know how to secure credible coverage that will boost your visibility and help you create an elevated level of trust in the community.

Traditional Marketing: Perfecting the Basics

From pinpointing advertisement opportunities and designing promotional events to creating community outreach and programs that turn passive customers into passionate fans, we craft holistic marketing strategies that are tailor-made for each client to surpass their business goals and acquire more desired customers.

Search Engine Optimization: Boosting Your Visibility

It doesn’t matter how amazing your website is if no one can find it. That’s why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital to your business and its success. We conduct Website Architecture Analysis to ensure your website pages are easily found on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, research the best performing keywords in your industry, and assign them to the right pages on your site. We also create winning content strategies and only use quality link building to help you find the highest value links to boost you up the search engine rankings and keep you there.

Content: From Ideation to Distribution

The Bill Gates term “Content is King” will always be relevant. You can have the flashiest design, the coolest app, and the most exciting technology, but if your content doesn’t connect with your customer, you’ll be forgotten. That’s why we are so passionate about creating long-term content strategies for clients and executing those plans with some of the best writers in the business. From digital content like blogs and email blasts to traditional marketing pieces like newsletters and invitations, we create content that keeps your current customer connected and piques the interest of new ones.

Social Media: Meaningful and Memorable Connections

We connect your business to your customers through shared passion and purpose. Our team creates social media strategies to first unlock your brand value. We then manage your social media accounts to grow your brand  awareness, build authentic relationships with current and new followers, spark word-of-mouth referrals and increase your website exposure. Social media gives businesses the opportunity to speak directly to their customers and engage with the many markets of one.

Website Creation: Your Digital Presence

Your first impression doesn’t begin in person. It begins online. And if your website doesn’t wow, it takes only a second for a potential customer to hit the back button and choose your competitor. We create dynamic, user-friendly and content-rich responsive websites that make you stand out from the crowd.